Saturday, March 16, 2013

Powerpoint Do's and Dont's

In our class, we also discussed these do's and dont's.

1. Use legible type size. [32]
2. Be brief.
3. Use keywords.
4. Enhance readability.
5. Make every word and image count.
6. Limit the number of slides.

1. Don't overuse special effects
2. Don't use more than 8 words per line or 8 lines per slide.
3. Don't use many words.
4. Avoid hard-to-read presentations. 

Top 10 Tips in Presenting using Powerpoint

During our Computer Science Class, our teacher gave us the top 10 tips in presenting using Powerpoint. 

1. Use compelling material.

2. Keep it simple.

3. Minimize number in slides.

4. Don't parrot powerpoint.

5. Time your remarks.

6. Give it a rest.

7. Use vibrant colors.

8. Import other images and graphics.

9. Distribute handouts at the end.

10. Edit ruthlessly before presenting.

If you followed all these tips, you will surely have a nice and not-so-boring presentation.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft Powerpoint?

It is an application that we use during presentations. We use it to make presentations less boring. In Powerpoint, you hone your skills in summarizing your presentation and also your creativity. You get to choose which animation and transition you will use. Overall, Powerpoint is your best bud during presentations.

Our Project

For our project, our English teacher collaborated with our Computer Science teacher. We were assigned to create a "mini movie" of our own version of the poem "A Letter to Pedro".

This project, though tiring and requires a lot of effort ,is fun. We kept on repeating some scenes. 

Another fun part was when we were creating the movie itself. We argued many times on which transition we should use and what background music to play. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Some Photoshop Fail Pictures

Photo source:

Advantages of Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop has many wonders. I'm amazed on how they programmed Photoshop.

Those dull pictures? Not anymore a problem. You can just edit it using Photoshop, then, tada! You now have an improved version of that picture.

Having a hard time creating a tarpaulin layout? Try using Photoshop and create a better one. You can also easily import some pictures.

Wanna create a good poster? Photoshop is here! With so many options to make your poster more attractive, Photoshop will be your best bud while working.


Which is Better, MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop?

For You, which is better, Paint or Photoshop?

I guess most of your answers are Photoshop. Why? Because Photoshop is the latest. In Paint, you cannot edit pictures as you do in Photoshop. It is hard to make magazine covers, tarpaulins, posters, and brochures using MS Paint. Not that I'm criticizing paint but in terms of those things, Photoshop is the best application to use.

However, if you answered MS Paint, it's just alright. If you are artistic enough, MS Paint is the application for you. Paint can also be a good pastime,  also to hone the hidden artist in you.

So, what are your answers? Pain or Photoshop? :D